Along with the awareness week I gave a 30 minute talk during
the school day. I spoke with 8th,
9th, then 10th graders.
Our administration is understandably against whole school
assemblies. Needless to say I was
nervous on Monday about what I would say and how it would go.
This was going to be the largest group of people I have ever
spoken in front of and this time I was speaking about something very
personal. I talked about Lorelei, her
experiences, and our expectations. The
session was led off by showing an r-word video produced by Special Olympics
Virginia. I then explained how fortunate
our daughter is. They were astonished
when I gave the statistic that 93% of fetuses are aborted if they test positive
for Down Syndrome. Even now this stat is
amazing to comprehend. I then told of
Lorelei’s surgeries and struggles. But I
was never far off from mentioning her successes and how well she is doing.
She would always finish the show for me by strutting
her stuff onto the stage so I could hold her in my arms and wave hello. I left each group with a final thought that Lorelei,
or any other person, is not defined by having
Down Syndrome. After all it is something
that she has. It is not who she is. I also wanted
them to not feel bad for someone with Down Syndrome nor for Maria and I. I wanted them to understand that she was just
like them, a child growing up and learning as she goes. It just may take her a little bit longer to
learn it.
The sessions went better and better each time. I got more confidence and things flowed easier. By the end of the week the administration commented that they felt it was the best and most informative sessions the students had gone to in a while. They were even impressed at how well the students acted during the session. This made me feel even better about it.
Maria will be speaking to the middle school during their awareness week and r-word campaign on March 5th. It’ll be a younger crowd but we expect them to do just as well with the cause.
Here are some pictures of the banners that the we and the students signed.
Both Banners
First Banner
Second Banner
Next up: Game for Respect
The awareness week was finished off with a football game
where we took donations for a local organization. This organization helps provide job
opportunities for people with intellectual or physical challenges. Tomorrow I’ll let you know how that
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