Friday, July 27, 2012

Long Time....

We know that it has been an extremely long time since we have posted.  This summer has come and gone in a blur and I don't know if we have had much time to just sit and breathe.

We did go on our first family vacation with some of our very best friends (also on their first family vacation).  We went to the beach for a week and we had a BLAST!  :)  Mikaela LOVED the sand, water, and everything about it.  Lorelei was not too convinced.  She liked to eat the sand (Yuck!), but was not too thrilled with the water. Everyday, Lorelei would play for a while and then end up falling asleep.  :) It took us about 2 days to get the routine straight with two toddlers and a baby, but once we got it, it was smooth sailing.  We believe that next year will get easier and all of us are already looking forward to it! :)

We spent a week with Grandma and Grandpa Erwin while I had to attend class on campus (I have decided to pursue my Doctorate degree).  I think the girls enjoyed spending so much time with the grandparents and I know that the grandparents enjoyed that! J

The girls then spent a long weekend with Abuelo and Abuela while Brandon and I took a vacation on our own.  Everyone enjoyed that trip! J

Grandma and Grandpa Wakefield just left this morning! We had a wonderful time with them and are so glad they were able to come and spend time with the girls as it’s been a year since they had seen them and A LOT changes in a year.

Mikaela is growing like a weed.  She is walking/running everywhere and won’t sit still for ANYTHING.  She is a handful, but so funny.  She loves her sister and they have begun to interact even more and it’s just fantastic to watch! J Today, they were playing with a hat and when Lorelei got it she would keep it away from Mikaela and they were both just laughing up a storm.  I am so thankful that they have each other!

Lorelei is doing fantastic!! She is walking more than crawling now (WOOHOO!!), and is only 17 months old!  THAT IS AMAZING!! J She does where little orthotic boots for half of the day just to be sure that her bones grow correctly because she turns her feet in a bit.  Other than that, she is ahead of the game and she is having a great time getting there.  Her tubes in her ears are doing great.  We haven’t had any issues (knock on wood) with anything! J We go back to Dr. Early in November to get them checked out and be sure everything is still okay.  When we went to the Down Syndrome Clinic in May, they drew some blood to check her thyroid.  One of the numbers did come back a little high so they endocrinologist suggested to put her on medication to prevent any issues with hyper or hypo-thyroidism.  She has been doing great with the medication and I believe it has helped.  When we had gotten her results back she had stopped eating as well as she was and we believe that was the culprit.  There are not problems eating now!  We will get the numbers checked again next month to be sure everything is still okay.

God has answered my prayers and we are beginning to become advocates for local families. J We met the family that the NICU had contacted me about a few months ago.  J We had them over for dinner earlier this month and their son is ADORABLE! J We hope to keep in touch with them and start a good support system.  I was contacted by the NICU again last week about another family. I have called them and am waiting to see if I hear back. I am hoping we will have a great group of parents in the near future! 

1 comment:

  1. Excuse the "J". I copied and pasted from Word and didn't notice. They are smiley faces. :)
